CISA and NSA’s Top 10 Control Misconfigurations? Use BAS and MITRE ATT&CK to Defend Against Them

The National Security Agency (NSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently released their top 10 list of common cybersecurity misconfigurations. Some of these include your standard slew of don’t use default software settings, don’t make weak passwords, and don’t practice poor MFA hygiene. No surprise there for most security teams, but apparently, it’s common enough that they all made the top 10 list of things people do anyway.

Regulatory Revolution: Redefining Global Cybersecurity through Performance-Driven Standards

The landscape of global cybersecurity is undergoing a seismic shift, marked by a fervent departure from traditional compliance-based strategies towards a new era of performance-based fortification. Spearheaded by dynamic changes in the regulatory frameworks of powerhouse economies like the US and EU, this evolution aims not just for compliance checkboxes but tangible security outcomes that defy mounting threats and historical failures in defense mechanisms.

Democratizing the Practice of Adversary Emulation

AttackIQ is democratiziing the practice of threat-informed defense and adversary emulation, including by funding research from the Center for Threat-Informed Defense on micro-emulation planning. Learn more out how we put adversary emulation into practice in the AttackIQ Security Optimization Platform.

Attack Graph Emulating the Conti Ransomware Team’s Behaviors

AttackIQ has released a new full-featured attack graph emulating the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by the Conti Ransomware Group. Despite the group's recent dissolution, Conti’s successful post-compromise tactics, techniques, and procedures will live on. This attack graph will help defenders test their cyberdefense technologies against the full range of techniques and procedures that Conti used – and which Conti’s former members, now in other ransomware groups, will likely continue to use.
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