
In partnership with MITRE Engenuity’s Center for Threat-Informed Defense, AttackIQ launches new automated adversary emulation plan for menuPass

After SolarWinds, organizations need visibility into their security program effectiveness against real world threats. Automated adversary emulations can help meet that need. By generating real data about how your security program performs against menuPass, you can see security failures, make data-informed adjustments, and plan smart investments to optimize your security. Check out the new emulation plan from MITRE Engenuity's Center for Threat-Informed Defense and AttackIQ.

GAO Finds Gaps in DoD Cyberdefenses, Highlights Importance of Breach and Attack Simulation Tools

AttackIQ’s Security Optimization Platform gives an agency a proactive—rather than a reactive—security posture. It enables continuous validation of security controls to definitively establish the effectiveness of key initiatives, to include zero-trust controls that prevent adversaries from moving laterally across a network, as in the case of SolarWinds.