IDC Study Finds Organizations Using AttackIQ Significantly Reduced Risk and Cost of Security Breaches, While Improving SOC Efficiency

Hot off the press, IDC has released an IDC Business value White Paper, sponsored by AttackIQ, that explores the business value and benefits of using the AttackIQ Security Optimization Platform. Read More

Hot off the press, IDC has released an IDC Business value White Paper, sponsored by AttackIQ, that explores the business value and benefits of using the AttackIQ Security Optimization Platform. The study is the result of five in-depth interviews with enterprise security leaders based in the United States and Europe across healthcare, IT, and financial services sectors. IDC found that these organizations attributed substantial risk, cost, and security operations improvements to their use of the AttackIQ platform. Of note, they were able to reduce the cost of a potential security breach on average by nearly $4 million annually, improve security operations team efficiency by 47%, and save more than $900,000 in staff time per year.

Given the current pressure on CISOs to make data-driven decisions on where to invest or divest to meet risk and security goals, this study will help organizations understand how automated breach and attack simulation is being used to optimize people, processes, and technologies.

Take a look!

IDC - The Business Value of AttackIQ Security Optimization Platform Snapshot (Image)

In addition to compelling quantitative benefits, customers shared a number of valuable qualitative insights:

“Business risk has been reduced, because with AttackIQ we can measure where things work well. If something isn’t working, we can take steps to address that.”

“AttackIQ has allowed the security team to grow and do bigger things because they are not constantly putting out fires.”

“The partnerships made all the difference along with all the product features. Other solutions simply didn’t compete. The big winner for AttackIQ is the whole approach to my organization as the customer.”

But perhaps my favorite points come from IDC’s conclusion:

“The return on investment that IDC was able to measure confirms AttackIQ’s mission statement that real-time, data-driven visibility into a company’s security program offers prevention in terms of shoring up a security posture; stronger SOC performance in real-time investigations with the element of practice; and stronger remediation as much is learned about the network and how to limit the blast surface.”

Enjoy the full IDC Business Value White Paper, The Business Value of the AttackIQ Security Optimization Platform, doc #US49454222, July 2022,” ungated, here: